Autometa Python API

Running modules

Many of the Autometa modules may be run standalone.

Simply pass in the -m flag when calling a script to signify to python you are running the script as an Autometa module.

I.e. python -m autometa.common.kmers -h


Autometa has many entrypoints available that are utilized by the 🍏 Nextflow Workflow 🍏 and 🐚 Bash Workflow 🐚. If you have installed autometa, all of these entrypoints will be available to you.

If you would like to get a better understanding of each entrypoint, we recommend reading the 📓 Bash Step by Step Tutorial 📓 section.

Using Autometa’s Python API

Autometa’s classes and functions are available after installation. To access these, do the same as importing any other python library.


Samtools wrapper

To incorporate a call to samtools sort inside of your python code using the Autometa samtools wrapper.

from autometa.common.external import samtools

# To see samtools.sort parameters try the commented command below:
# samtools.sort?

# Run samtools sort command in ipython interpreter
samtools.sort(sam="<path/to/alignment.sam>", out="<path/to/output/alignment.bam>", cpus=4)

Metagenome Description

Here is an example to easily assess your metagenome’s characteristics using Autometa’s Metagenome class

from autometa.common.metagenome import Metagenome

# To see input parameters, instance attributes and methods
# Metagenome?

# Create a metagenome instance
mg = Metagenome(assembly="/path/to/metagenome.fasta")

# To see available methods (ignore any elements in the list with a double underscore)

# Get pandas dataframe of metagenome details.
metagenome_df = mg.describe()

metagenome_df.to_csv("path/to/metagenome_description.tsv", sep='\t', index=True, header=True)

k-mer frequency counting, normalization, embedding

To quickly perform a k-mer frequency counting, normalization and embedding pipeline…

from autometa.common import kmers

# Count kmers
counts = kmers.count(

# Normalize kmers
norm_df = kmers.normalize(

# Embed kmers
embed_df = kmers.embed(